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Scott Aniol

Scott Aniol has an evident love for the Lord and desires to help others worship Him. He is an author, speaker, and teacher of culture, worship, aesthetics, and church ministry philosophy. He is Chair of the Worship Ministry department at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. Scott was born and raised in Michigan where he grew up in a Christian family, attended church regularly, and received his early education in Christian schools. At age 13 Scott repented of his sins and surrendered his life to Christ in faith. Scott pursued a bachelor’s degree in church music at Bob Jones University in Greenville, SC. There he met his wife, Becky, and they were married in June of 2004. In August of 2008, Scott launched Religious Affections Ministries, a ministry of writing, speaking, and publishing in the areas of conservative Christianity. Scott and his wife Becky have three children, with another on the way.