Carol Blair

An outstanding hymnologist with a passion for singing the hymns that she studies, Carol Blair’s teaching brings the hymns of the faith to life.

As a child, Carol grew up singing hymns in Sunday school, church, and summer Bible camps. Through these experiences, she learned dozens of hymns by heart, and recognized their tremendous value for her as a believer.

Through the teaching of Dr. Al Smith, Carol launched into years of research and writing in hymnology—the formal study of hymns. She dug deep into the lives of Wesley, Watts, and others who have influenced the formation of our hymnals today. What emerged was a comprehensive course in hymnology that brings the hymns of the faith—and their authors—to life!

Since then, Carol has presented her hymnology course to a variety of churches and groups. When she’s not teaching on the topic of hymnology, Carol enjoys doing free-lance writing and editing, and working as a nurse.