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Scholarship Essay Contest

We are pleased to announce a scholarship essay contest for this summer’s music courses! Below are the objectives, essay questions, and guidelines for this contest. If you have additional questions, please contact us at [email protected]. We look forward to hearing from you! 

Contest Objectives:

    1. To encourage students to reflect on the Biblical purposes, qualities, and direction of their musical training in writing
    2. To encourage students to potentially collaborate with siblings, parents, and friends in a productive writing project

2022 Contest Essay Questions: 

For the Instrumental Workshop essay: To you, what does it mean as a musician to play skillfully as unto the Lord, and how do you believe the Instrumental Workshop can equip you for attaining that goal? 

For the Sound Foundations essay: To you, how does the fruit of the Spirit equip a musician to serve others in a Christ-centered and Christ-exalting way?

To assist you in writing either essay, you may consider addressing these supporting questions: 

    1. Are there particular qualities that strike you as deeply vital for ministering in music? 
    2. What are ways that one can exemplify the fruit of the Spirit to others in music ministry? 
    3. How is the fruit of our spiritual lives reflected in our musical lives (one Biblical example is how David’s personal worship of God empowered his music ministry to Saul)? 


    • Two students will be selected to receive a 50% scholarship to Sound Foundations ($600-$725 in scholarship value).
    • Two students will be selected to receive a 50% scholarship to the Instrumental Workshop ($325-375 in scholarship value).
    • ALL essay entrants will be given a copy of the Sound Foundations CD “Worthy is the Lamb.”

Contest Guidelines

One entry per student, per course is allowed. 

    • Essays must be the original work of the participating student. Any parental or mentor input should be limited to oversight, light editing, and encouragement, and not crossing into the actual creation of the essay. 
    • Essays must be 300 to 500 words. Entries outside these parameters will be disqualified. 
    • Essays will be evaluated by the 2022 Sound Foundations staff. All decisions will be considered as final. 
    • Essays must be submitted by midnight (CDT), May 15, 2022.
    • Essay participants will be notified of the contest results by email after noon (CDT) on Wednesday, May 18, 2022. 
    • Winners will be sent an additional email with information for registering for the courses with their scholarships. 

Submission Requirements

Essay MUST be formatted as follows: 

    • Font: Times New Roman, size 12
    • Double-spacing
    • 1 margins
    • Under your title, include the following information: student’s name, age, and designated music course essay 
    • Export your essay to PDF 
    • Email to [email protected] by midnight (CT), Sunday, May 15, 2022.
    • Click here to view a sample essay format >>

Judging Criteria

Essays will be judged on the following criteria:

    1. Biblical foundation: Scriptural support and reputable authors and teachers. (Please limit your use of large quotations from Scripture to 1-2 citations. Please limit long quotes from authors and teachers.);
    2. Depth of insight: significant, mature, true;
    3. Writing quality: clarity, concision, style.

We look forward to receiving your insightful essays. See you this summer!