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Scripture Recitations & Special Music

Requirement: All Family and Student Auditions Welcome

An exciting part of every conference is seeing and hearing families or siblings present special music or Scripture recitations together before sessions. Walk through the steps below to complete the special music audition process. We look forward to hearing from you!

For His glory,

The Family Conference Music Team

P.S. Auditions are due one month before the conference begins (e.g., if your conference begins on June 5, your audition video is due on May 5.) . Recordings submitted after these deadlines may not be reviewed for inclusion.

Before you begin assembling your audition, check these steps below:

  1. Make sure you’ve got an ensemble! While we make exceptions for advanced players/singers, we do not usually accept solos.
  2. Keep it Christ-centered! We love sacred music, especially when it’s related to a traditional hymn. If you have a scripture recitation, we recommend the King James Version.
  3. Go for a joyful and modest presentation! Whether you’re singing or playing, let your countenance reflect the joy and peace of the Lord! And, make sure your choice of clothing is reflective of Christ in your heart, and honoring to those watching.
  4. Get permission! Federal law requires that any music performed at the conference either be in public domain or you have written permission from the publisher/arranger to perform it at this event. Please obtain permission for your music BEFORE submitting your selection for the conference. For questions, contact [email protected].

Here is a sample letter you can submit to a publisher/arranger

Dear _______, we are practicing to perform {name of selection} at a conference for Christian families the week of _______. The conference will be broadcasted on a paid live stream, but will not be recorded or reproduced in any way. For this, we need written permission from you as the arranger/publisher for us to perform the piece in this venue. Thank you for considering this request!


Now, let’s get your audition going!

  1. Make a video of your song(s): This is the fun part — we’re excited to see what you will present at the conference. For this reason, make the audition as close to your actual performance as possible.
  2. Upload your video to a cloud folder (Google Drive, Dropbox, or other), or to a private online channel (YouTube, Vimeo, etc.), and get the link so you can include it in the submission form.
  3. Assemble the following information.
  • Written permission to perform the song (if it is under copyright)
  • The conference and date that you plan to attend (e.g., Big Sandy, April 2020)
  • A short (one paragraph) bio of your group, or some meaningful background of the song(s) you are playing.
  • LINK to your song(s) so that we can review it!

Special Music Audition

Please write a short, one-paragraph biography about your group or some meaningful background to the song you will be playing.
Conference(s) you plan to attend(Required)
Copyright permissions(Required)
Due to the nature of Family Conferences, all special music must be in the Public Domain, or you must have written permission from the copyright holder to perform it at the conference. Please specify if the piece is in Public Domain or if you have obtained written permission. If you received permission to play it, send a copy to [email protected].

Dropbox, Google Drive, or private YouTube links are perfect for this!
Do you need your song scheduled at any particular time during the week of conference? If so, please specify below:
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