For Young Ladies Ages 16+
Please check back for our next course dates
Course Overview
Growing in grace. Reclaiming true beauty.
Grace. Strength. Truth. Love. These are some of the qualities found in an excellent woman of God. At Excel, we are passionate about pursuing Biblical womanhood. Through prioritizing spiritual growth and providing training in practical skills, our mission is to equip young ladies to grow in grace and reclaim true beauty.
But let’s face it — it’s hard to know how to do that in our culture today. Everywhere we turn, our culture has turned against Biblical womanhood, telling us that femininity is cheap, inferior, and unattractive — forgetting that God created a precious and unique role for women that only they can fill.
That’s why we look to the Word of God. In the Word, we discover that God calls women to be wise, strong, gracious, capable, and truly beautiful — in their femininity.
At Excel, we invite young ladies to join us on a journey of reclaiming Biblical womanhood with excellence and grace.
On-Site Study:
5 weeks
At-Home Study:
5 weeks
Course Topics
Immerse yourself in God’s word
Build skills to study how the depth, beauty, and sufficiency of Scripture apply to every area of your life.
Explore the topic of identity
Learn about your position in Christ based on the foundation of who Christ is, and what He says about your identity in Him.
Build practical life skills
Develop personal disciplines
Establish fruitful habits of drawing near to the Lord through prayer, fasting, and pursuing moment-by-moment fellowship with Him each day.
Pursue a lifestyle of excellence
Ground yourself in the Gospel
What’s new in 2022
Personal evangelism
Survey of the Old and New Testaments
Time management
Women’s ministry
Inductive Bible study
Personal finances
Service projects
Public speaking
Discussions about Christian liberty, Christ-centered singleness, and more
What participants are saying:
“At Excel, I realized who I am in Christ is not based on what I do for Christ, but on who Christ is in me. I praise God for this program that helped me become the lady He wants me to be.”
“When I came to Excel, I was asking God to use me to be a blessing and encouragement to the girls I would meet; I was also hoping to get some spiritual refreshment after a hurtful situation, and before the chaos of the new year began. God began to show me that everything I feared and struggled with boiled down to a lack of faith and trust in [Him]. … As I went through each class, I felt God continually reminding me that in everything I desire to do, Jesus must be the guiding force, and strength-giver. Something like true hospitality must come from a heart of true love, and the only one who can truly love is Jesus. Excel challenged me to believe that whatever God calls me to do He will give me the grace to accomplish. I will never regret the hours of difficult study spent in the Word of God and in classes. It was time well-invested in treasures that will last forever.”
“The discipleship, fellowship, and training was encouraging, professional, and centered on God’s Word. I enjoyed each class and I loved the community in our class as a whole. Day to day, we cheered each other on, laughing, praying, and sometimes, crying together. Most of all, I cherish the truth from God’s Word that I learned at Excel. I will carry that with me for the rest of my life.”
“[At Excel], I’ve especially loved spending time with the Lord every day. It has created greater desire and hunger for Himself and His Word. Through many situations, I was clearly reminded that there is no good thing in me and I desperately need Jesus everyday. I loved all the practical skills and classes, but it was the spiritual topics that were so encouraging and impactful to me. … By far, one of my favorite things about the past five weeks has been the time spent with [my classmates]. Not only are they my ‘sanctifying buddies,’ they are some of my dearest friends. Jesus has been so kind to us all and I’m excited to see what He will do in the future.”
“Excel challenged and grew me in many different areas. From Scripture memory and discipleship opportunities, to [class] assignments and deadlines, the Lord constantly reminded me of my need for Him. He taught me what true forgiveness looks like, and gave me a renewed vision for discipleship and ministry. Each class during the course stretched my skill and knowledge, and it was a grand adventure as the whole class learned together! … Above all, Excel taught me to do everything with excellence, as unto the Lord. Truly, only what’s done for Christ will last.”
“That ye might walk worthy of the Lord unto all pleasing, being fruitful in every good work, and increasing in the knowledge of God.”
Colossians 1:10
Learn More
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the minimum age for young ladies to attend Excel?
Young ladies need to be 16 years old by the start of the course.
What are some of the course topics?
Expect a broad variety of topics that all bring us toward one goal: knowing God intimately and serving Him wholeheartedly. Here is an overview:
- Discipleship: Rekindling your private devotions, journaling with purpose, igniting your prayer life, discussing Biblical womanhood, exploring Proverbs 31, defining identity in Christ
As we gather skills to serve, we look forward to presenting classes on:
- Hospitality: Culinary skills, Menu planning, Decorating
- Home Management: Cleaning, Organizing, Budgeting
- Life Skills: Basic first aid, Home & vehicle care
- Communications: Writing, Music, Calligraphy
- Personal Care: Exercise, Diet, Nutrition
- … And more!
For more detailed information, check out our sample syllabus.
What will the On-Site portion of Excel look like?
As we build spiritual disciplines and enjoy consistency in how we learn and work, we’ll also be having a lot of fun along the way!
Each day, you’ll have:
- Personal & group devotionals
- Set-aside times to seek the Lord in His Word and in prayer
- Guided discussions with your team & team leader
- Classes in academics topics & life skills training
- Individual project time
- Free time & fellowship
On the weekends, we will enjoy some recreation and special projects, as well as plenty of free time and rest time.
What will the At-Home Study portion look like?
This portion of Excel is designed to help you maintain the spiritual disciplines practiced during the on-site class and continue developing some of the great course materials that you covered on-site! During the At-Home Study, you will also have a chance to continue the relationships you began on-site with sisters in Christ that will hopefully last a lifetime. At-Home Study requires approximately 3-4 hours per week. In that time, you will:
- Complete additional discipleship materials that deepen your devotional life and help you walk more closely with the Lord
- Continue the camaraderie from the Excel classroom as you complete projects with your classmates
- Fellowship by sharing prayer requests and praises in a weekly video call with your team
- Enjoy calls and communications from your team leader and staff to encourage you in your day-to-day routines
Can I make separate payments for my tuition?
Yes! We would be happy to work with you on a payment plan for your tuition. Please contact us so we can create a plan that will work for you.
Are there scholarship options available?
Yes! If you have prayerfully confirmed that the Lord is leading you to participate in Excel, and finances restrict your enrollment, we want to help. We have a limited amount of scholarships available. Please contact us so we can find a good fit for you.
For questions about scholarships, email us at [email protected].
International ALERT Academy
$2,450 $1,950 (when you register by the early registration deadline)
Receive an additional $500 off your tuition if you have attended a previous Excel class! Request a coupon code by emailing [email protected].
If you have prayerfully confirmed that the Lord is leading you to participate in Excel, and finances restrict your enrollment, we want to help. We have a limited amount of scholarships available. Please contact us so we can talk with you further about this.
More questions? Email us at [email protected].
$50 non-refundable application fee.
Full course payment is due two weeks before the course start-date.