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Ruth Adams

Author, Speaker, Second-Generation Homeschool Mom

Ruth Adams is the author of the books Legacy Reflections of a Homeschooled, Homeschooling Mama, A Legacy of Faith for Young Ladies, and The Word Study Scripture Writing Journals. Ruth is the host of the Legacy Homeschool Reflections Podcast.  She was home educated herself in the 1980’s and the 1990’s and is now homeschooling her own seven children, seeking to pass on the legacy of faith her parents imparted to her.  She has an over forty-year perspective on the homeschooling movement and encourages parents to reach the hearts of their children with the gospel of Jesus Christ.  She offers warnings against falling into ditches and exhorts parents to take a Biblically balanced approach in raising their children for the glory of God.  Ruth understands the challenges and joys of being a homeschooling mama and loves mentoring other mothers who desire to disciple the hearts of their children for Christ.  Ruth’s desire is to encourage ladies of all ages to be tethered to the Word of God as the true source of life and peace.