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Chad Christiansen

Founder, In the Gap

The founder and director of In The Gap, Chad Christiansen passionately trains young people to ignite life-change wherever God sends them. Along with his wife Alissa, Chad founded ITG in the summer of 2010 with the purpose of reaching the children in their community with the gospel. They do this through raising up interns — “world-changing catalysts” — who go out as teams to reach these children with the liberating love and truth of Jesus Christ. 

Together, Chad and Alissa inspire their interns to be positive leaders who model integrity, passionately love Jesus Christ, and effectively influence children to do the same. Working and serving in the heart of Oklahoma City, they have six young daughters. As a family, they love living out the words of Isaiah 6:8 — “Whom shall I send, And who will go for Us?’ Then I said, ‘Here am I! Send me.’”